Solar MHD 2022

Advances in Solar MHD Numerical Simulations in the Era of High-
Resolution Observations, Solar MHD 2022 (UKUS 6)
7-10 August 2022, Eastbourne, UK
The meeting covered a number of topics related to the analysis of data obtained in solar MHD simulations and their interpretation in connection to high spatial and temporal resolution observations. In particular, the following topics were covered:
• Simulating excitation and propagation of MHD waves in solar plasma,
• Simulating plasma instabilities,
• Effective numerical tools towards more realistic physics in modelling,
• Numerical simulations and spectral line synthesis,
• Identification and analysis of plasma flows.
Selected Talks

Two-fluid implementation in MPI-AMRVAC with
applications to the solar chromosphere
Beatrice Popescu Braileanu

COCONUT: a fast converging coronal MHD model
M. Brchnelova

Multi3D: a 3D non-LTE polarized radiative transfer code
Flavio Calvo

MBP merger, an alternative solar/stellar coronal heating mechanism
Hidetaka Kuniyoshi

Radiative MHD simulation of the solar corona with RAMENS
Haruhisa Iijima

Formation of prominences with fine structure
Veronika Jercic

MPI-AMRVAC: open-source grid-adaptive simulations
Rony Keppens

Corrugation instability in partially ionised slow-mode shocks
Ben Snow

Detection and dynamics of small scale vortex flows in the solar atmosphere
Kostas Tziotziou

Ensemble simulations from Solar magnetograms to 1 A.U.
Tony Arber

Mode identification of Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves in simulated solar atmosphere
Nitin Yadav