NAM Session 2022

Observing and modelling plasma flows and MHD waves in the lower solar atmosphere

Description: The lower solar atmosphere is characterised by complex plasma dynamics, presenting various phenomena linked to MHD wave excitation, energy transport and heating. The dynamics and activity of the solar atmosphere are associated with the magnetic fields, which are inherently coupled to photospheric and chromospheric flows. Therefore, realistic models for the lower atmosphere are essential to adequately describe the complex interaction of magnetic fields and plasma flows that can e.g., generate MHD waves, launch jets of plasma, form vortex motions, cause instabilities and generate turbulence. With the latest generation of ground-based observations and the development of new space-based observatories, we are entering an era of unprecedented solar monitoring. This will help significantly in improving MHD models used for understanding the interactions between magnetic fields and flows in the photosphere and chromosphere. Our session will be dedicated to exploring current and future high-resolution investigations. Thereby, we intend to provide an excellent platform for rich discussions between renowned scientists, early career and PhD researchers working on the synergy between high-resolution observations and HPC simulations describing the various phenomena that can be observed in the smallest scale magnetic structures of the lower atmosphere. MHD wave generation Small-scale photospheric magnetic fields; Coherent plasma structures (e.g., vortices, source / sink type motions and laminar flows; spicules, swirls, Ellerman bombs, magnetic bright points, sunspot structures/flows) Energy transport between lower and upper solar atmosphere layers; Turbulent plasma processes

Organisers: Suzana de Souza e Almeida, Silva Youra Taroyan, Peter F. Wyper, Gary Verth, Viktor Fedun

Schedule: Fri. 09:00-10:30 / Fri 14:30-16:00

09:00-09:15 Nitin Yadav: 3D MHD Wave Propagation near a Magnetic Null in the Solar Corona

09:15-09:30 Khaled Alielden Mohamed Ali Darwish: Evolution of Alfven waves in the solar wind: monochromatic driver

09:30-09:45 Michaël Geeraerts: Quasimodes in the cusp continuum in nonuniform photospheric flux tubes

09:45-10:00 Samuel Skirvin: The properties of magnetoacoustic waves in photospheric magnetic flux tubes with background rotational flows

10:00-10:15 Sihui Zhong: Simultaneous detection of decayless kink oscillation of coronal loops with EUI and AIA

10:15-10:30 John Martin Laming: The FIP and Inverse FIP Effects in Solar and Stellar Coronae

14:30-14:45 Thomas Rees-Crockford: The Rayleigh-Taylor Instability beneath a Hedgerow Prominence

14:45-15:00 Valentin Aslanyan: Coronal hole boundary dynamics and implications for the slow solar wind

15:00-15:15 Jinge Zhang: Insights into a large coronal loop using LOFAR imaging spectroscopy of a type U solar radio burst.

15:15-15:30 Richard Grimes: Diatomic molecules as probes of sunspot magnetic fields: creation of ZeemanMol code

15:30-15:45 Valentina Zharkova: Kinetic turbulence generated by accelerated particles in reconnecting current sheets

15:45-16:00 Christopher Osborne: Considering the Radiative Interaction between Flares and Neighbouring Chromosphere