Dynamic Sun I, Varanasi, India

The first meeting of the Dynamic Sun conference series was organised by members of the Department of Physics, IIT BHU, Varanasi, India in close collaboration with the Plasma Dynamics Group (PDG) within Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering (ACSE) and School of Mathematics and Statistics (SoMaS), the University of Sheffield on 22-26 February 2016.

The Dynamic Sun I conference was supported and funded by Department of Science and Technology (DST), India; Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA); Physical Research Laboratory (PRL); Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi (IIT (BHU)), The European Space Agency (ESA), Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development (AOARD), the University of Sheffield, UK organisations. 

More than 120 participants attended the conference.


The conference got the front-line scientific contributions from distinguished and emerging researchers in the field of Solar Physics that revolve around the following themes:

Research collaboration

This conference has shown an excellent potential to build new research links (and already built them!) between solar physics communities from India, Europe, USA, and Asia (eg China, Japan). Participants agreed that the meeting was a very good platform for the international solar physics community to discuss recent progress and future challenges in science and instrumentation. Dynamic Sun I helped to establish long-term relationships between diverse group of scientists and supported creation of financially sustainable bridges between research groups.


The outcome of the conference published in the Advances in Space Research in the form of special issue: MHD Wave Phenomena in the Solar Interior and Atmosphere.

Early-career researchers engagement

The research program of the Dynamic Sun I was a novel opportunity for early-career researchers to discuss science and collaborate. Participants of the meeting took part in international exchange and gained an experience of working in a multi-national scientific environment.


The conference had an important session on instrumentation where path-breaking science using next generation instruments has been discussed, eg Aditya, NLST, Chinese Giant Telescope, ROSA, DKIST, Solar-C and IRIS.

View the scientific programme.

View the abstract book.