Scientific visualisations

Elliptical tube (transformation from elliptical cross-section to observational shape of the sunspot)

Visualisations produced by Anwar Aldhafeeri

Elliptical tube (transformation from circular to elliptical cross-section)

Visualisations produced by Anwar Aldhafeeri

Cylindrical tube (kink, flutting and its combinations)

Visualisations produced by Abdulrahman Albidah


Short time sequence.


Long time sequence.

Intensity fluctuations in the circular sunspot (short and long time sequences). The top panel for each time sequence shows the time coefficient, C, for the POD modes identified as MHD waves: slow body (SB) fluting (n=2), fundamental SB sausage, fundamental SB kink, SB overtone kink, SB fluting (n=3). The colours of the lines and circles depict the detected MHD wave modes and the position of the circle indicates the time used for the plots in the bottom panels. The left bottom panel presents a 3D surface plot of the umbra where the z-direction describes the oscillations in the Hα observations and it is coloured by the observed intensity fluctuations. The right bottom panel is the 3D surface of the POD reconstruction of the intensity fluctuations using only the POD modes identified as MHD waves. The 3D surface is coloured by the intensity fluctuations. For the POD reconstruction, we only used the POD modes identified as MHD waves.


Short time sequence.


Long time sequence.

Intensity fluctuations in the elliptical sunspot (short and long time sequences). The top panel for each time sequence shows the time coefficient, C, for the POD modes identified as MHD waves: slow body (SB) fluting (n=2), fundamental SB sausage, fundamental SB kink, SB overtone kink, SB fluting (n=3). The colours of the lines and circles depict the detected MHD wave modes and the position of the circle indicates the time used for the plots in the bottom panels. The left bottom panel presents a 3D surface plot of the umbra where the z-direction describes the oscillations in the Hα observations and it is coloured by the observed intensity fluctuations. The right bottom panel is the 3D surface of the POD reconstruction of the intensity fluctuations using only the POD modes identified as MHD waves. The 3D surface is coloured by the intensity fluctuations. For the POD reconstruction, we only used the POD modes identified as MHD waves.


2D regular surface from 3D irregular shape. a) The 3D surface displays the vortex tube coloured by the plasma-beta. The red circle at each height has a centre that comes from vortex identification coloured by a black line, and the red circle has the same radius for each height. b) The blue contours show the boundaries of the vortex. c) The green lines represent the radius of the vortex and the circle at one particular height (z=1.18 Mm). The black dot indicates the centre of the vortex. The blue circles donate the vertices of the vortex, while The red circles mark the vertices of the circles. d) The last panel describes the projection of the 3D vortex surface in a 2D surface coloured by the plasma-beta. The vertical axis covers the full height of the vortex, while the horizontal axis covers the whole 360 degrees around the perimeter of the lateral surface. 


Vortex R1: (related to figure 8 in the paper):

The temporal evolution describes the vortex R1. The magnetic field and flow fields are shown by the red and blue arrows, respectively. The colour at the vortex surfaces displays the angle between the velocity field and the magnetic field. The same angle is shown in the bottom row in 2D. 

R2 V and B.mp4

Vortex R2: (related to figure 9 in the paper):

The descriptions are the same as on the left movie, but here the distribution of the magnetic and vector fields, together with the angle between them are shown for the vortex R2.


Vortex L1: (related to figure 10 in the paper):

The descriptions are the same as on the left movie, but here the distribution of the magnetic and vector fields, together with the angle between them are shown for the vortex L1.

Uniform plasma density.

Gaussian (W=0.9) background plasma density.

3D visualisation of the total pressure perturbation and velocity vector field in the presence of a uniform (left) and non-uniform (right) background plasma density for the fundamental kink mode with eigenfunctions shown in Figure (9b). These correspond to the 2D velocity field vectors shown in Figure (10a) and Figure (10d) respectively. These figures can be found in the original paper.

Uniform (W=10^5) plasma flow.

Gaussian (W=0.6) background plasma flow.

3D visualisation of the total pressure perturbation and velocity vector field in the presence of a uniform  (left) and non-uniform (right) background plasma flow for the slow

body kink mode with eigenfunctions shown in Figure (14d). These correspond to the 2D velocity field vectors shown in the middle panel of Figure (15).  These figures can be found in the original paper.

These movies show the three-dimensional structure of the slow body kink mode for a uniform magnetic flux tube without the presence of a background flow (left) and a magnetic flux tube in the presence of a background rotational flow (right), by visualising the normalised total pressure perturbation. The magnetic flux tube is immersed in the volume rendering of total pressure. The three cross-sectional cuts are shown as coloured rings at three different heights, i.e. z = 0.0. 2.5 and 5.0 and correspond to the right subplots. These three subplots show the LIC visualisation at the same heights. The white rings represent the boundary of the flux tube.


2D velocity field for the scenario of a slow body kink mode in a photospheric flux in the presence of a background flow given by V_phi = 0.1r. The plots are arranged in a 3 × 2 configuration where the left hand column shows the velocity perturbation only, whereas the right hand column shows the perturbed velocity field plus the background velocity field. The top row corresponds to the solution for the m = 1 mode, the middle row shows the solution for the m = −1 mode and the bottom row shows the resulting velocity field and total pressure perturbation for the sum of the m = 1 and m = −1 modes. In all panels the velocity vectors are normalised by their maximum values. The colour contour denotes the normalised total pressure perturbation, P_T , which is the same for both the left and right columns. The boundary of the flux tube is highlighted by the solid blue line.


Movie of the estimated velocity field based on the Fe I continuum (intensity shown in gray scale) using LCT, illustrating the identified vortices and their boundaries. The circles denote the vortex center, with the red circles referring to the counterclockwise vortices (positive) and the blue circles to the clockwise vortices (negative). The orange border line denotes the vortex boundary. The video begins at t = 8.25 s and ends at t = 3465.0 s. The duration is 52 s. Giagkiozis et al., ApJ, 2018

MHD Poynting flux vortices in the solar atmosphere and their role in concentrating energy

Visualisations produced by Suzana Silva.

Vertical xz-plane of the selected domain from Fig. 1 (see the paper) crossing the central part of the vortex region at y=10.92 Mm. From left to right: line-of-sight component of the velocity field, v_y, with opacity=0.3 superposed by the 3D S-vortex center, log_10 of temperature, the square norm of velocity gradient, ||grad v||^2, log_10 of the squared current density and of magnitude of the Poynting flux. 

Poynting flux distribution is indicated by its volume rendering, log_10|S|, for the purple cuboid shown in Fig. 1 (see Fig. 1 in the paper). 


Animation of streamlines in Poynting flux for t=4200 s indicating how the magnetic energy would flow if the Poynting flux were constant in time. The seeds for streamlines are random points in the domain, colored by the height in the domain and flow direction. The warm and cold colors correspond to up and down flow, respectively. The yellow (cyan) color corresponds to upflow (downflow) closer to the solar surface, z =0, and the red (dark blue) color represents the upflow (downflow) of Poynting flux in the upper part of the domain. The axis labels are in Mm.

Analysing the Recovery of Coherent Structures using DeepVel in an Active Region 

Visualisations produced by Matthew Lennard.


Video depicting the evolution of the photosphere and normalised forward finite-time Lyapunov exponent (fFTLE) field from the R2D2 magnetoconvection simulation. Note these key points throughout the simulation: t=37 hours is the time of magnetic flux emergence, t=60 hours presents the peak of magnetic flux in the photosphere. The top left panel depicts the continuum intensity from simulation, in which two large pores open as a flux tube erupts through the surface. The top right shows the desaturated 20-minute fFTLE field from simulation broken into a 20x20 grid with each tile having area 4.8x4.8Mm^2. The fFTLE mean of each tile is compared against the mean fFTLE value of the first frame of simulation, depicting the quiet Sun, when the absolute difference in the means is >0.3 the tile becomes fully saturated to highlight regions with largely differing dynamics from the surroundings. The bottom right panel depicts the same as the top left but the FTLEs are calculated using DeepVel recovered velocities. The histogram in the bottom right plots the frequency of saturated and desaturated tiles from R2D2 (orange) and DeepVel (blue). Note that the saturated tiles in both FTLE fields correspond, in location, with the appearance and motion of the pore throughout the photosphere.