Plasma Dynamics Group
ISSI meetings
2025-2026 Opening new avenues in identifying coherent structures and transport barriers in the magnetised solar plasma, ISSI Team led by Suzana Silva & Viktor Fedun
2024-2025 Tracking Plasma Flows in the Sun's Photosphere and Chromosphere: A Review & Community Guide, PI B. Tremblay & M. Kazachenko, Viktor Fedun and Suzana Silva (UoS PDG, Team members)
2022-2023 The Role of Partial Ionization in the Formation, Dynamics and Stability of Solar Prominences, ISSI Team led by J. L. Ballester (ES) & M. Luna (ES), Istvan Ballai (UoS PDG, Team member)
2021-2022 WaLSA: Waves in the Lower Solar Atmosphere at High Resolution, ISSI Team led by P. Keys (UK), Gary Verth & Viktor Fedun (UoS PDG, Team members)
2019-2020 The Nature and Physics of Vortex Flows in Solar Plasmas, ISSI Team led by Tziotziou K. (GR) & Scullion E. (UK), Viktor Fedun (UoS, PDG, Team member)
2017-2018 Towards Dynamic Solar Atmospheric Magneto-Seismology with New Generation Instrumentation, ISSI Team led by Gary Verth & Richard Morton
2012-2013 Large-scale Vortices and Zonal Winds in Planetary Atmospheres/ionospheres: Theory versus Observations, ISSI Team led by Oleg Pokhotelov, Viktor Fedun (UoS PDG, Team member)