News 2023

10.12.2023   Viktor Fedun participated at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA and presented the work of PDG group. Thanks, Suzana, Matt, Sergey and Luiz for the excellent posters and great research!

14.11.2023  Congratulations to Max McMurdo with his first paper published! McMurdo, M., Ballai, I., Verth, G., Alharbi, A., V. Fedun, Phase mixing of propagating Alfven waves in a single-fluid partially ionized solar plasmaApJ, 958, 81, 2023, HTML | pdf | arxiv

06.11.2023  Review paper published: Rempel, E., Chian, A. C.-L., Silva, S. S. A., Fedun, V., Verth, G., Miranda, R., Gosic, M.,  Lagrangian coherent structures in space plasmas, Reviews of Modern Plasma Physics, 7, 32, 2023,

20.10.2023  Congratulations to Dr Suzana Silva for being recognised as an outstanding postdoc during the Postdoc Appreciation Week 2023 (UoS): "For her very hard work and support towards the whole research cluster, staff members and PGR students. Despite being a new mum, Suzana always finds time to help others, to advice on academic progress of students. Her problem-solving skills are making everybody's life so much easier".

15.10.2023  Congratulations to Max McMurdo on the acceptance of his first paper:  McMurdo, M., Ballai, I., Verth, G., Alharbi, A., V. Fedun, Phase mixing of propagating Alfven waves in a single-fluid partially ionized solar plasma,  ApJ, 2023

07.10.2023  The new review paper (led by our collaborator Dr. Erico Rempel) is accepted for publication. Rempel, E., Chian, A. C.-L., Silva, S. S. A., Fedun, V.,  Verth, G., Miranda, R., Gosic, M., "Lagrangian coherent structures in space plasmas",  Reviews of Modern Plasma Physics, 2023

01.10.2023  Congratulations to Lauren McClure on her first day as PDG PhD student!

26-29.08.2023  Viktor and Istvan participated in the research meeting in the framework of the Royal Society International Exchange Scheme grant, “Understanding natural hazards-driven ionospheric perturbations and ionospheric prediction of natural hazards”, 25-30.08.2023, Krakow, Poland. Collaboration with Ukrainian colleagues, Drs. Liudmyla Kozak, Alla Fedorenko and Prof. Oleg Cheremnykh.

22.08.2023  Our new paper is accepted (published on 26.08.2023) for publication: Cheremnykh, O., Fedorenko, A., Voitsekhovska, A., Selivanov, Yu., Ballai, I., Verth, G., Fedun, V., Atmospheric wave disturbances from the solar terminator according to the VLF radio stations data, Advances in Space Research, 2023. This work is supported by the Royal Society International Exchange Scheme grant, “Understanding natural hazards-driven ionospheric perturbations and ionospheric prediction of natural hazards”, PI Dr. Istvan Ballai. 

22.08.2023  Congratulations to Abdulrahman (PDG former PhD student) and co-authors with ApJ paper published:  Albidah, A. B., Fedun, V.,  Aldhafeeri, A. A., Ballai, I., Jess, D. B., Brevis, W., Higham, J., Stangalini, M., Silva, SSA., MacBride, C. D., and Verth G., The temporal and spatial evolution of MHD wave modes in sunspots, ApJ, 954, 30, 2023 HTML | pdf | arxiv

10.08.2023  Our PhD student Max McMurdo presented an invited seminar at ISEE, Nagoya, Japan. Well done, Max!

08.08.2023  Congratulations to Jack Gillam (PDG PhD student) with successful Confirmation Review meeting. Well done, Jack!

02.08.2023  PDG posters at AOGS 2023! 

01.08.2023  Congratulations to Dr Yuyang Yuan (our PhD student) on his first paper "Advanced Γ Method for Small-scale Vortex Detection in the Solar Atmosphere" published in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series! 

31.07-05.08.2023  Max McMurdo and Viktor Fedun participating in AOGS 2023. Viktor Fedun session chair: "ST04: Modelling Magnetohydrodynamic Processes in the Solar Atmosphere". Max McMurdo, oral presentation "Phase Mixing In Partially Ionised Plasmas". Posters presentations: Suzana de Souza e Almeida Silva, "Vorticity and Energy Transport in Photospheric Vortex Tubes" and Matthew Lennard, "A Neural Network Approach to Understanding the Flow Dynamics Photospheric Flux Emergence". 

28.07.2023  Congratulations to  Max MacMurdo on his first paper submission to ApJ! Title  "Phase mixing of propagating Alfven waves in a single-fluid partially ionized solar plasma".

13-29.07.2023  Viktor Fedun visited Arun Mangalam (Indian Institute of Astrophysics), Ebenezer Chellasamy Edwin (Kodaikanal observatory) and Abhishek Kumar Srivastava (IIT BHU University, Varanasi). Invited research seminar: "Vortices in the Solar atmosphere".  

08-12.07.2023  Viktor Fedun visited ISEE, Japan.

11.07.2023  Congratulations to Dr Samuel Skirvin (PDG former PhD student) and now PDRA at KU Leuven with the selection of his talk "Alfvenic waves in coronal loops arising from inclined acoustic wave drivers" as runners-up at NAM 2023!

01.07.2023  SunrIde launched Karman Alpha! Congratulations! More details here.

07.07.2023  Sport at NAM 2023. Our PhD students Max and Jack represent PDG.

07.07.2023  Congratulations to Sergey Ruzheinikov (PDG PhD student) on his first oral presentation (NAM 2023). Talk title: "Numerical modelling of magnetic flux tubes interactions driven by photospheric vortex motions". Well done!

03.07.2023  Our PhD student Matthew Lennard presented an excellent talk at NAM 2023. Title: "Understanding the Complexity of Photospheric Flux Emergence with Machine Learning Techniques". 

16.06.2023  Congratulations to our PhD student Yuyang Yuan on his successful viva! 

12-16.06.2023  Dr Istvan Ballai participated in ISSI meeting: "The Role of Partial Ionization in the Formation, Dynamics and Stability of Solar Prominences"

01.06.2023  Our ApJ paper (accepted) is avaliable on arxivAlbidah, A. B., Fedun, V.,  Aldhafeeri, A. A., Ballai, I., Jess, D. B., Brevis, W., Higham, J., Stangalini, M., Silva, SSA., MacBride, C. D., and Verth G., The temporal and spatial evolution of MHD wave modes in sunspots, ApJ, 2023 

29.05.2023  Max McMurdo is presenting at Chapman AGU Conference on Advances in Understanding Alfvén Waves in the Sun and the Heliosphere, 28 May - 2 June 2023, Berlin, Germany. Below his poster and presentation by Dr Samuel Grant. 

24.05.2023  Matthew Lennard  participated in the "Astronomy and Space Physics”  international conference, Kyiv, Ukraine, May 23 – 26, 2023, and delivered an excellent talk "Understanding the Complexity of Photospheric Flux Emergence with Machine Learning Techniques"  Book of abstracts.

15.05.2023  Max McMurdo has been granted full support to attend the 16th International Solar Wind Conference will be held in Pacific Grove, California, June 12-16, 2023, at the historic Asilomar Conference Grounds. Congratulations! Also, congratulation to Matt Lennard for getting support as well!

11.05.2023  The new PDG PhD student seminar series was born! Our first speaker is Max McMurdo. Excellent presentation. Well done Max!  

25.04.2023  Congratulation to Suzana and the Team with  ApJL acceptance of our new paper "Novel approach to forecasting photospheric emergence of active regions", S. S. A. Silva , M. Lennard, G. Verth, I. Ballai  E. L. Rempel, J. Warnecke, H. Iijima, H. Hotta, S.-H. Park, A. C. Donea, K. Kusano, and V. Fedun.

20.04.2023  Solar images taken by Viktor Fedun and Gary Verth during total solar eclipse observation, Exmouth, Australia.

19.04.2023  Our PhD student Matthew Lennard presented a talk at International Workshop on Machine Learning and Computer Vision in Heliophysics, Sofia, Bulgaria, April 19-21, 2023. Talk "Fast Feature Recovery for Flux Emergence Forecasting in the Photosphere using Neural Networks".

12.04.2023  Solar Physics Talk at Monash University (in the framework of the UK-Australia International Exchanges the Royal Society grant).  Dr Gary Verth, "Decomposing the MHD wave modes of sunspot umbrae".

05.04.2023  Solar Physics Talk at Monash University (in the framework of the UK-Australia International Exchanges the Royal Society grant).  Prof Viktor Fedun, "Vortical plasma motion in the solar atmosphere".

30.03.2023  Image of the Moon taken by SunbYte solar telescope.

27.03.2023  Congratulations to  Yuyang Yuan! His first paper "Advanced Gamma method for small-scale vortex detection in the solar atmosphere" has been accepted for publicaton in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series.

19.03.2023  Solar image taken by SunbYte solar telescope.

12.03.2023  Solar image taken by SunbYte solar telescope through the light clouds  (2927 × 2224 pixels).

22.02.2023 Solar Physics Talk at Monash University (in the framework of the UK-Australia International Exchanges the Royal Society grant).  Dr Istvan Ballai, "A new perspective on waves in partially ionised solar plasmas”

04.02.2023  Recently published papers

Skirvin, S., Gary Verth, Gonzalez-Aviles, J.,  Shelyag, S., Sharma, R., Guzman, F., Ballai, I., Scullion, E., Silva, S., Fedun, V.

Small-scale solar jet formation and their associated waves and instabilities

Advances in Space Research, 71, 4, 1866-1892, 2023

arxiv | HTML 

Krasnoselskikh, V., Tsurutani, B., Dudok de Wit, T., Walker, S., Balikhin, M., Balat-Pichelin, M., Velli, M., Bale, S. D., Maksimovic, M., Agapitov, O., Baumjohann, W.,

Berthomier, M., Bruno, R., Cranmer, S. R., de Pontieu, B.,  de Sousa Meneses, D., Eastwood, J., Erdelyi, R., Ergun, R., Fedun, V., Ganushkina, N., Greco, A., Harra, L., Henri, P., Horbury, T., Hudson, H., Kasper, J., Khotyaintsev, Yu., Kretzschmar, M., Krucker, S., Kucharek, H., Langevin, Y., Lavraud, B., Lebreton, J-P., Lepri, S.,  Liemohn, M., Louarn, P., Moebius, E., Mozer, F., Nemecek, Z., Panasenco, O., Retino, A., Safrankova, J., Scudder, J., Servidio, S., Sorriso-Valvo, L.,  Souček, J., Szabo, A., Vaivads, A., Vekstein, G., Vörös, Z., Zaqarashvili, T., Zimbardo, G., Fedorov, A.,  

ICARUS: in-situ studies of the solar corona beyond Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter, Experimental Astronomy, 2023


09-13.01.2023  ISSI meeting,  'Waves in the Lower Solar Atmosphere at High Resolution, WaLSA', PDG participants, G. Verth, V. Fedun and M. McMurdo 

08.01.2023  Recently published papers 

Tziotziou, K., Scullion, E., Shelyag, S., Steiner, O., Khomenko, E., Tsiropoula, G., Canivete Cuissa, J. R., Wedemeyer, S., Kontogiannis, I., 

Yadav, N., Kitiashvili, I., Skirvin, S., Dakanalis, I., Kosovichev, A., Fedun, V., Vortex Motions in the Solar Atmosphere

Definitions, Theory, Observations, and Modelling, Space Science Reviews, 219, 1, 2023

HTML | pdf

Jess, D.,  Shahin, J., Keys, P., Stangalini, M., Verth, G., Grant, S. Waves in the lower solar atmosphere: the dawn of next-generation solar telescopes, 

Space Science Reviews, 2022


Skirvin, S., Fedun, V., Silva, S.,Van Doorsselaere, T., Claes, N., Goossens, M., Verth, G.

The effect of linear background rotational flows on magnetoacoustic modes of a photospheric magnetic flux tube,

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518, 4, 6355-63662023

arxiv | HTML | supplementary videos 

Scullion, E., Morgan, H., Lin, H., Fedun, V., Morton, R., SULIS: A coronal magnetism explorer for ESA's Voyage 2050, 

Experimental Astronomy, 2022

HTML | pdf

Grant, S. D. T., Jess, D. B., Stangalini, M., Jafarzadeh, S., Fedun, V., Verth, G.,Keys, P. H., Rajaguru, S. P., Uitenbroek, H., 

Macbride, C. D., Bate, W. Gilchrist-Millar, C. A.

The Propagation of Coherent Waves Across Multiple Solar Magnetic Pores,

The Astrophysical Journal, 238, 2, 2022

arxiv | PDF 

02-08.01.2023 Prof Erico Rempel (ITA, Brazil) visited PDG in the framework of the Royal Society UK-Brazil International Exchanges grant: "A new approach to identifying and classifying evolving coherent flow structures in the turbulent plasma of the Sun’s photosphere"